Rebecka qualified from Cambridge University, where she had studied as a mature student, in 2004. She has worked in a number of different practices in Derbyshire and spent five years working at the PDSA hospital in Nottingham, which provided her with a wealth of experience with difficult cases. It was whilst working for the PDSA that she met Claire who shares her ethos for wanting to provide top quality veterinary care in a personal and friendly manner sparking a desire for the pair to set up their own practice. Derwent Valley Vets first opened its doors in June 2016 after an extensive but sympathetic renovation of The Boat House Pub during which both were very hands on together with Claire’s husband Steven and lead by Rebecka’s partner Jim who is a joiner by trade.

Rebecka lives in Matlock and, despite being a southerner by birth, loves the area. She has two teenage daughters and the whole family likes to spend their spare time walking in the Peaks with their scraggy lurcher “Dixie”.

Rebecka is a “Fear Free” accredited professional and is interested in making the practice a relaxed and enjoyable place for owners and patients to visit. “I am keen that all our patients should see the vets as a pleasurable place to come. Eliminating anxiety in our patients makes a trip to the vets something that can be enjoyed by both animals and owners. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place that everyone is pleased to visit?”